
  loveiscolorblind歌词take advantage of 利用;胜过   You should take advantage of every opportunity to speak English outside class.   你应该利用课外一切机会来说英语。   take after 与......相像   He takes after his father in figure.   他体型长得像他的父亲。   take apart 拆开   The boy took the clock apart.   这孩子把闹钟拆了。   take care 当心,注意   Take care not to let anyone know about it.   注意别让任何人知道这件事。   take care of 照顾,照料   You must take good care of yourself.   你要好好注意身体。   take charge 开始管理,接管   He took charge of the business when his father died.   他父亲去世后,他接管了业务。   take effect 生效,起作用   The medicine took effect and the pain gradually eased.   药力起作用后,病痛就逐渐减轻了。   take...for... 误认为...是...,把...当作......   I was taken for my brother.   人家把我错当做我的兄弟了。   take for granted 想当然;认为理当如此   All particulars should be carefully checked and verified;nothing should be taken for granted.每个细节都要认真检查和核对,不要想当然。   take in 欺骗;了解,领会   They listened to my lecture,but how much did they take in?   他们听了我的课,但他们又理解了多少呢?   take into account 考虑,斟酌   Will he take into account my request?   他会考虑我的要求吗?   take off 起飞;出发;脱掉衣服   This plane will soon take off.   这架飞机不久就要起飞了。   take on 承担;呈现;开始雇佣   Would you take on this work?   你肯承担这项工作吗?   take one's time 不要着急,慢慢地做   You can take your time to pay the debt you owe me.   你欠我的钱不必急于归还。   take over 接收;接替,接管   When Mr. Green retired his son took over the business from him.   格林先生退休后,由他的儿子接管了他的生意。   take place 产生,发生;进行,举行   The accident took plane the day before yesterday.   事故是前天发生的。   take the place of 代替,接替   Electric trains have now taken the place of steam trains in some countries.   在某些国家电力火车现在已取代了蒸汽火车。   take turns 依次,轮流   The students took turns to clean up their classroom.   学生们轮流打扫教室。   take up 开始从事   When he left school he took up journalism.   他毕业以后就从事新闻工作。   tell...from 分辨出,辨别,区别   Some people can't tell red from green, as they are colorblind.   有些人分辨不出红色和绿色,因为他们是色盲。   turn in 交出,上交;上床睡觉   You must turn in your term paper by the end of this month.   这个月底你必须上交学期论文。   I am turning in right now.我马上睡觉。   turn into 变成,变为   Her bitter experience has tuned her into a stronger person.   她曲折心酸的经历使她成为一个更坚强的人。   turn off 关闭(水源,煤气,电灯等)   Don't forget to turn all the lights off before you come up to bed.   你上楼睡觉之前,不要忘记把所有的灯都关上。   turn on 打开(电灯,自来水等)   please turn the electric fan on.   请打开电风扇。   turn one's back on 不理睬   He never turns his back on his friends when they need help.   朋友们需要帮助时,他从没有置之不理。   turn out 生产,制造;结果是;证明是   The factory turned out 10000TV sets last year.   这个工厂去年生产了10000台电视机。   turn over 反复考虑   He turned the problem over in his mind for 3 days before he did anything about it.   在他有所行动之前,把问题反复考虑了3天。   Turn to 求助于,转向   When he is in trouble , he always turns to his teacher.   他有困难总是找他的老师帮忙。   Turn up 出现,露面   Another guest turned up just as we were taking leave.   我们正要告辞,另一个客人来了。   colorblind的歌词
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